Wednesday, 26 November 2014

a "little" about me

Right let's get the, a "little" about myself, out of the way shall we...

My name is Chloe Stothard, I am 23 going on 35 with occasional moment of laughter like a 5 year old, a woman out of time, and you know what I don't mind that and so far its working for me just fine. 

I eat dry cereal in a bowl with a spoon and have the milk separate in a glass I cannot and will not mix the two.

I am a make-up artist, I can do pretty things like bridal and fashion make-up But that's not really my bag I much prefer things like Horror, A&E, Body-Painting, Face Painting, SFX Prosthetics And Wig Making.

Once I used a Henry Hoover to suck up insects and it fell over and broke my foot.

I am currently studying my second year on a HND media make-up course. I love it a lot! I previously studied textiles and discovered after a year it wasn't for me. The I found this and I jumped in with both feet and never looked back It is the first time in my life that I have been really passionate about something and committed myself,  I guess the string of distinctions show that its paying off.

When I was younger (and still sometimes now) I believed on buses other passengers could read my mind.

I also dabble in a bit of illustration, I love to draw and creating make-up plans is one of my favourite things. It does mean I have an unhealthy obsession with pens, particularly fine liners and pro markers. 

As a toddler I met Mickey Mouse in Disney land...cried hysterically and didn't want to go near him, there is photographic evidence somewhere I will add when I can find it.

I am NOT a blogger...not yet anyway. I am actually doing this blog as part of a assignment from Martyn (Uni lecturer/Christmas party attendee/Dexter enthusiast) so some of this is going to be boring and you'll probably see a lot of him checking in that I've done work, but other than that I am bloody hilarious, no really I am, so it won't be to bad of a read.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Blogger app

Just downloaded the blogger app so that I can finally get started on the brief I've been set. Martyn (Uni lecturer/style icon/all round nice guy) will be so proud of me! But it's 11 and I've been up since 5.45 so I think it's time for bed, I'll start tomorrow...honest Martyn I will.