Sunday, 22 February 2015

Business Card Template

Task 3 

So we have spoken about the benefits of business cards and a few estimates for having them printed, Business cards can be expensive, but they can be extremely beneficial to you.

They should include your name and title (Make-up Artist) and contact details and if you have a website or blog put that on their too.

You can design the layout and text however you like them, but just remember to keep them professional! Also select a strong image from your portfolio to use on the front and also to add to your brand personality and professionalism get a logo and put that on there too.

So with that all in mind I Jumped onto Vista print to through together an example template to show you. Using an on-line service is so simple it gives you a variety of different template options which you can then tweak to how you want it. I have gone for a double sided business card so that I can have an image form my portfolio nice and large on one side without cramping in my logo and contact details which are now on the other side.

I have kept it fairly simple just as an example, however, if I  were to print these cards I would like the font to match the font of my logo and I would also like the background to be black to match the background of my portfolio image. 

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