Task 1
Well I thought hay maybe I don't have to write anything for this task because I am a complete swot, unfortunately that is not what a SWOT analyse is :/
So what actually is it?
Well it's an acronym for STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS. The Idea is that acknowledging each of these allows you to evaluate and identify internal and external factors taking the advantage of strengths and opportunities and minimise weakness and eliminate threats all of which will effect the success of your business venture.
Apparently it was invented by this guy Albert Humphrey a business and management consultant (however Humphrey doesn't claim that he did create it, didn't put that in your little Power Point did you Martyn)
So the origins of SWOT analysis are not entirely known , so if anyone ever wants to make an unbelievably boring film there is the storyline, and if they did I'll be damned if they don't pick Wallace Shawn to play old Humphrey here
Anyway let's back to the point shall we? So SWOT analysis
Strength: characteristics capabilities and existing or potential resources that give you an advantage over others
Weakness: any existing or potential force that could serve as a barrier and put you at a disadvantage to others.
These two parts of the analyses are internal meaning that these can be altered by you, the next two parts are external meaning you don't control them
Opportunists: any existing or potential force external to you that can be exploited to your advantage
Threats: elements external to you that could cause trouble for your business
Admitting your faults is not always early but identifying them gives you a chance to change. Right then let's do my swot a analysis as a make up artist right here right now.
Textiles and costume
Detail orientated.
Great focus
Ability to work to deadlines
Only two years of training
Don't like Bridal & Fashion make-up
Don't Style hair
Travel - I don't drive
Not so hot on negotiating skills
Learning to drive
More training
Moving to a location with more work opportunities (i.e. London)
Joining a trade union and/or Databases for make-up artists
Increase advertising during particular seasons ( Halloween, Christmas or Prom and spring time for weddings)
Enter competitions/ Exhibit/ Network at Industry events
Technology, advances in CGI and special effects
Cost of make-up for kit rising
No financial backing
Sporadic income
Moving location has added expenses
Competition in the area from current class, existing Muas and the future students on the course