Friday, 16 January 2015

Creative industry CV

Task 2

For a Job in a creative industry your CV is going to be a little...different. This is where you can be a bit more creative, but I  definitely advise get the content right before you focus on the design!

Your CV will centre more on your  experience, which takes priority over education, but will still contains similar information as you included on your average joe job CV such as :  A personal profile, Your contact details, Skills  (although only ones that are relevant to your industry,  for example employing you for make-up job I do not need to know that you can merchandise or cash up a till)  

You can make it more interesting. You can add logos, a colour scheme, a more creative layout and photos of your work, but remember it still needs to look professional and be practical. Don't over do it as this can put people off, and your CV can look overcrowded and messy.

Here is an example of a BAD make-up CV I made over the top on purpose.

I'm a make-up artist so i want make up on my CV... this massive make-up background is distracting and makes it hard to read the writing. the colours of the background with the photos is a mish mash. If you want a background use paler colours or change the opacity 

I want to people to know I'm good so lets put lots of photos of my work on it....No this is a CV not a portfolio, keep it simple and just have one photo of a really good make-up and include a link to an on-line portfolio.

I have started a board on pinterest for this brief of CV logo and business card designs that I think are effective, they can all be found here

 A few I found particularly interesting were....

I love this CV it is simple with a limited colour palette. I like the use of the circle text box (something i have used in my own...but you haven't seen that yet) 
 I also love the icons used in the contact section, this is something I might consider for future versions of my CV it makes it very clear how you can be contacted and where your work can be seen 

I am not normally a fan of background on a CV but I like this one its not overpowering and the shapes have been incorporated into how the text is laid out and so it is not distracting, in fact the brush strokes guide you eyes. I really like this and would consider something similar for my own CV it would also work well if you had a logo and business cards to match. 

So I am working on my make-up artist Cv. I am hoping to get my logo done first as I would like it all to match. I will be showing you my CV here as it progresses 

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