Thursday, 15 January 2015

Moving on....

Task 2 

So I can move on thank god! It was all getting a little bit too sensible and boring over here.  Task 2 come at me =).

Curriculum Vitae or CV (what does it even mean?)

Curriculum vitae is quite obviously Latin (A dead language and yet here we are just hanging on to small parts) so loosely it's translation is course of life.

So what actually is it and when do you use it?

a CV is an overview of a person's experience and qualifications used CVs are used to explain to recruiters what you can do and what you have done. There are two reasons for using a Cv, applying for an advertised job vacancy and applying speculatively to potential employers when there has been no vacancy advertised. It best to have two different Cv's for these, Infact its best to tailor your Cv to each job you apply for rather than have a one Cv fits all. Regardless of its purpose all cvs will contain this information 
  • Personal contact details
  • Career aims/personal profile 
  • Education history and qualifications 
  • Achievements
  • Employment history/ Work experience
  • Interests and leisure activities 
  • References

A C.V. is the first point of contact with an employer the aim is to catch their attention and to stand out from the piles of CV's that employers receive but for regular Jobs non-creative industry based jobs it best to keep this simple.

This is my basic CV that I started with, I blocked out all the things that I didn't feel like sharing. It is simple clear and concise and everything on there is relevant. A CV shouldn't really go over two A4 sides. lets face it, it could do with some work. It's bland it's boring and it needs up dating, but thats what this journeys for.

So what happens when I change it about a bit.

So here I have kept all the same information and in the same place but all I have changed is style of the text box  and added a up to date simple photo and look at how different it is from before I think it stands out from the last one and looks alot more sleek and modern. Its amazing how much a few simple changes can alter the entire look. 

Here is a great example of how easy it is to jazz up a boring Cv to make it stand out. 

Next time I'm going to talk about using a CV for a job in this industry rather than a standard CV

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