Saturday, 6 June 2015

Shows and Exhibitions

Task 1

Shows & Exhibitions

An Exhibition and a show, no matter how different they are, both have the same primary goal to showcase work and demonstrate skill. With the aim to promote business and build business relationships.

An Exhibition is a cohesive and organized presentation and display of a selection of work, art and artefacts. Exhibitions usually occur within museums, galleries and exhibition halls, and commercially focused exhibitions such as fairs and trade shows. The audience are free to wander around the event.

Some of the benefits of a static show are:

It enables you to meet and network with people face to face that matter to your business. It is a great platform for meeting new customers/employers/suppliers etc.

When exhibiting in a group it allows you to check out your competition and how you compare.

Being static it allows people to see your work longer than a live show.

however a negative is that your audience will not see a complete look. 

Some of the benefits of a live show are:
It is much more interactive than an exhibition.
The audience get to see a the full look on a model as intended, instead of in parts displayed at an exhibition.
The audience get to see the look in movement. 
However a negative of a live show is that you cannot network like you would at an exhibition 

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