Saturday, 6 June 2015

Unique selling point (USP)

Task 2

What is a unique selling point (also known as a unique selling proposition)?

Well put simply a unique selling point basically what makes you, you. It's the factor that differentiates you and your service from your competitor. This is especially important when your service is similar to those around you so you need to know what makes yours unique

So how do you figure it out...
Put yourself in your customer's shoes what do they want from you?
What could make them come back again and again and ignore your competition?
Also look into your competition see what they offer?  

What features of your business jump out at you as something that sets you apart?

It requires a bit of soul searching.....I however, don't have a soul so I asked someone that does, The beautiful Ellie Baskerville. 

She knows my work and how I work better than anyone else and so she said that.....I have an unrivalled attention for detail and creating unique characters - that I am committed to producing work that is original.

Isn't she nice =) 

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