So there is a task on this brief that says "Within your plan research and explore the possibilities of marketing materials and define suitable marketing techniques appropriate to you business both paid for and free. Discuss how theses could be used to promote your business (could include posters; flyers ;badges; promotional gifts; Press release; web site; online portfolio; use of social media; YouTube)"
Now call me crazy but, I really do think I have covered this topic to death already....
So when I asked Martyn (Uni lecturer/Buttons/Cowboy boot fanatic) If I actually had to re-do it despite going into alot of unnecessary detail last time and he said and I quote "Chloe, I'm sure an intelligent girl like you could work out the best course of action." and what do intelligent girls do? not repeat spend time repeating themselves on a subject they have already explained at great length when they have little more to add to it.
Please refer to my previous blog posts for this part of the brief
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