Sunday, 21 June 2015

Lets take a look at some shows...

Task 1 

International Make-up Artist Trade Show (IMATS)


"Education and versatility are key to a career in make-up artistry, and IMATS London provides that in abundance. Established in 2002, this show gives you the tools you need to grow  as an artist in theatre, film, TV, fashion and editorial. Classes often range from age-make-up applications and red-carpet glamour to body painting and beards. Looking to stock your kit? Top exhibitors will be on hand for all your needs."
This is a tricky one as it seems to fall in both categories as it is an exhibition with many stalls where businesses and artists display their work/ promote themselves/ sell product handing out flyers business cards etc. but also it  also has a live show element as there are several stages on which artists demonstrate their wok on models on stage  
large images or work shown with live models and even stage recreations or even stage makes of new pieces

The United Make-up Artists Expo (UMAE)
" At United Make Artist expo (UMAE) it is our ethos to support the industry, by generating a platform for the professional and aspiring makeup artist from around the world, within a family networking atmosphere.  Alongside education seminars, expert demonstrations and one-to-one interaction with the icons of the TV, Film and Beauty industry, we provide opportunities to meet and liaise with the best in the business. Our guest speakers don't just speak on stage, they mingle and chat with the attendees on show floor throughout both days."
is also a similar style to IMATS though it is on a smaller scale and is more exhibition based with small seminars rather than live shows on stage. There are stands where brands and artists display sell and advertise themselves/products or their businesses again, handing out flyers business cards etc.

Damien Hirst
Tate Modern: Exhibition

This exhibition is perhaps the most bizarre experience of my life It brought together twenty years of Hirst's work. It features an array of different things sharks in formaldehyde medicine cabinets and paintings made of sports. Only in a Damien Hirst exhibition could you be appreciating a room of butterflies flying around you only to move on to be facing a glass case which within it is a decapitated  rotting cow's head surrounded by flies.

With such a collection of random pieces it is hard to explain how these are exhibited and how the correlate to each other. despite being a parts of different collections the exhibition flows considerably well due to its clean smart simplistic display. the rooms walls remain white throughout and the pieces have vast amount of space between them in order to allow you to focus on each piece individually.
The exhibition features work such as The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living 1991, In and Out of Love and Pharmacy 1992

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Taking a Gamble

Task 2 

So there is a task on this brief that says "Within your plan research and explore the possibilities of marketing materials and define suitable marketing techniques appropriate to you business both paid for and free. Discuss how theses could be used to promote your business (could include posters; flyers ;badges; promotional gifts; Press release; web site; online portfolio; use of social media; YouTube)"

Now call me crazy but, I really do think I have covered this topic to death already....

So when I asked Martyn (Uni lecturer/Buttons/Cowboy boot fanatic) If I actually had to re-do it despite going into alot of unnecessary detail last time and he said and I quote "Chloe, I'm sure an intelligent girl like you could work out the best course of action." and what do intelligent girls do? not repeat spend time repeating themselves on a subject they have already explained at great length when they have little more to add to it. 

Please refer to my previous blog posts for this part of the brief 

Fingers crossed I have done the right thing here =)

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Shows and Exhibitions

Task 1

Shows & Exhibitions

An Exhibition and a show, no matter how different they are, both have the same primary goal to showcase work and demonstrate skill. With the aim to promote business and build business relationships.

An Exhibition is a cohesive and organized presentation and display of a selection of work, art and artefacts. Exhibitions usually occur within museums, galleries and exhibition halls, and commercially focused exhibitions such as fairs and trade shows. The audience are free to wander around the event.

Some of the benefits of a static show are:

It enables you to meet and network with people face to face that matter to your business. It is a great platform for meeting new customers/employers/suppliers etc.

When exhibiting in a group it allows you to check out your competition and how you compare.

Being static it allows people to see your work longer than a live show.

however a negative is that your audience will not see a complete look. 

Some of the benefits of a live show are:
It is much more interactive than an exhibition.
The audience get to see a the full look on a model as intended, instead of in parts displayed at an exhibition.
The audience get to see the look in movement. 
However a negative of a live show is that you cannot network like you would at an exhibition 

Unique selling point (USP)

Task 2

What is a unique selling point (also known as a unique selling proposition)?

Well put simply a unique selling point basically what makes you, you. It's the factor that differentiates you and your service from your competitor. This is especially important when your service is similar to those around you so you need to know what makes yours unique

So how do you figure it out...
Put yourself in your customer's shoes what do they want from you?
What could make them come back again and again and ignore your competition?
Also look into your competition see what they offer?  

What features of your business jump out at you as something that sets you apart?

It requires a bit of soul searching.....I however, don't have a soul so I asked someone that does, The beautiful Ellie Baskerville. 

She knows my work and how I work better than anyone else and so she said that.....I have an unrivalled attention for detail and creating unique characters - that I am committed to producing work that is original.

Isn't she nice =) 

Thursday, 21 May 2015

SWOT Analysis

Task 1 

Well I thought hay maybe I don't have to write anything for this task because I am a complete swot, unfortunately that is not what a SWOT analyse is :/ 

So what actually is it?

Well it's an acronym for STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS. The Idea is that acknowledging each of these allows you to evaluate and identify internal and external factors taking the advantage of strengths and opportunities and minimise weakness and eliminate threats all of which will effect the success of your business venture. 

Apparently it was invented by this guy Albert Humphrey a business and management consultant  (however Humphrey doesn't claim that he did create it, didn't put that in your little Power Point did you Martyn)

So the origins of SWOT analysis are not entirely known , so if anyone ever wants to make an unbelievably boring film there is the storyline, and if they did I'll be damned if they don't pick Wallace Shawn to play old Humphrey here 

Anyway let's back to the point shall we? So SWOT analysis

Strength: characteristics capabilities and existing or potential resources that give you an advantage over others

Weakness: any existing or potential force that could serve as a barrier and put you at a disadvantage to others. 

These two parts of the analyses are internal meaning that these can be altered by you, the next two parts are external meaning you don't control them 

Opportunists: any existing or potential force external to you that can be exploited to your advantage

Threats: elements external to you that could cause trouble for your business 

Admitting your faults is not always early but identifying them gives you a chance to change. Right then let's do my swot a analysis as a make up artist right here right now. 


Textiles and costume 
Detail orientated. 
Great focus 
Ability to work to deadlines 


Only two years of training
Don't like Bridal & Fashion make-up
Don't Style hair
Travel - I don't drive 
Not so hot on negotiating skills 


Learning to drive 
More training
Moving to a location with more work opportunities (i.e. London) 
Joining a trade union and/or Databases for make-up artists
Increase advertising during particular seasons ( Halloween, Christmas or Prom and spring time for weddings) 
Enter competitions/ Exhibit/ Network at Industry events


Technology, advances in CGI and special effects 
Cost of make-up for kit rising 
No financial backing 
Sporadic income 
Moving location has added expenses 
Competition in the area from current class, existing Muas and the future students on the course

Monday, 18 May 2015

Promotional Material.

Task 3

Define your brand 

This is my logo, you will have seen it popping up all over my blog last time round. 

I like my logo a LOT! It was made for me by my amazingly talented brother. 

So I originally asked him for a watercoloury...(yeah that is a word)... logo because I am a artsy person and I liked the splashes. However I think the way he has created it looks more like powder that paint  and i think that is much better fitting to my profession. 

It is simple in design and also just stating "make up artist" doesn't pigeon hole me into a specific type of make-up so I can use it for everything which is particularly useful. 

It is black because I obviously love black I'm not a very colourful person I gave James the option of pink or blue to go with it... he chose pink. Also the limited colours mean I can use it on pretty much everything. 

Press release

I will be handing in a physical copy of my press release separate to this blog

The press release explains the type of work I do and what will be on display it gives details of my exhibition and shows this open invitation for existing clients, potential customers or employees would be a great opportunity to network as they can physically see my work and interact with me in  person. 

Business Card Design

I love my business card (thanks for the help getting my logo on it Martyn) I think it is very effective! The image I have selected is a very sticking one, it is my favourite of the year. I think it shows what kind of work I like to do and the standard I can achieve. I would use this image for any specail effects type jobs i would like however for things such as weddings/pearties/events etc. I would use a different image.

The back of each card would remain the same 

Postcard Sized Flyer 

My postcard flyer would have the same image as my business card and also a close up of the same project in which you can see more detail of the face. Again I think this is effective. I have kept the black border form my card and logo on the front in order to continue my brands identity. 

Online Portfolio 

I have already received alot of comments on how effective my online portfolio is. It is simple and minimalistic and shows a vast rang of my work.  

Having a physical portfolio is great however really you can only show it to people that have requested to see it say, in an interview, Having an online portfolio is extremely helpful for marketing myself! It expands who can view my work, it can be viewed by anyone on the internet and i can send links to people to view it.

Physical Portfolio

I will be handing in my physical copy of my portfolio separate to this blog

I feel my marketing collateral is very effective. It is all simple, professional, showcases my best work, and its tied together by logos, colour and layouts giving me a strong brand identity and therefore promotes my business well.

I'm really happy with my marketing collateral and look forward to handing them out at the exhibition and show.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Martyn's new brief

So Martyn (uni lecturer/woman's magazine reader/Lego enthusiast )has set us a beautifully mind numbingly boring brief so for here on out my posts will be for ahem ... Unit 39 marketing the creative. 

I'm following it on from the last blog as I am hoping ,fingers crossed, that I have already answered a lot of it in my previous blog posts 

And yes I'm determined to get a distinction for this rubbish so enjoy lots and lots of detail :)