Monday, 1 December 2014

Intro to the brief

Okay then so we've had an introduction to me, now let's have an introduction to the project . It's not essential but I have a certain way of doing things and that involves introductions and check-lists, It's the way I pick apart a brief and understand what I'm actually meant to of learnt and what I'm supposed to have at the end. I like things organised. 

I don't have OCD but seeing as this post is just for my benefit for organising maybe I will share with you some of my OCD tendencies.

The aim of this project is to gain and understanding of professional practice within the creative industry.
This covers things such as learning how to promote myself through marketing strategies, websites, portfolios, CV& cover letters. Branding myself by producing  a logo and business cards. This is to build a positive reputation for myself and maximise employment opportunities.

I do not like old fabric, I don't like scraps and I cannot touch most items in a charity shop. It really makes me feel ill.

This unit will also provide me with the knowledge adhere to employment law and health and safety law. I will learn how to: produce invoices, income and expenditure forms I will create a risk assessment and apply for appropriate insurance through researching current health and safety regulations. I will also research  the support  and benefits of joining relevant unions and bodies.
All of this is to allow me to understand the demands on this industry and how to function within it.

My diary is sorted using small coloured sticky dots there are 4 different colours I use to represent different things such as work or Uni.


o   Market research on where to advertise (Events, Magazines ,exhibitions, Social media,  radio, television etc.)
o   Investigate the practises and the demands of the industry
o   Design and create a CV
o   Produce a database of clients, agents and professional contacts.
o   Explain the support offered by trade unions and bodies
o   Find 3 job advertisements for Media Make-up jobs from different sources
o   Create a cover letter to theoretically apply for one of those jobs.
o   Create 3 logo's/letter heads
o   Carry out a risk assessment for a school fete
o   Collect 3 insurance quotes
o   Research 3-4 companies that specialise in advertisement gather quotes
o   Produce an invoice including working out tax
o   Produce a database to record income and expenditures
o   Research the difference between salaried and self employed
o   Analyse and evaluate throughout

Quit possibly my worst OCD behaviour is that if there is a mirror in my room (not one attached  to a wall)I have to place it face down before I go to bed.

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