Monday, 29 December 2014


Task 1 
Pinterest is a website that allows you to create a inspiration board for projects and interest. Pins are a essentially a visual bookmark and by "pinning" things your  account saves the pins to a virtual bulletin board so that you can access this inspiration again and again. Like YouTube it is not necessarily seen as a socail media platform but it does include standard social networking features. With Pinterest you are able to follow friends, "repin" their pins like a visual "retweet" and also send messages and pins to your followers.

Pinterest is one of the fastest growing websites in history, In its first 10 months Pinterest gained 23million users  And it’s already being used by more than 100 brands top promote their company.

Advantages of using Pinterest

Pinterest is primarily a photo-sharing business. Images are the most direct way of communicating the visual work of a make-up artist.

As well as exposure Pinterest gives you a platform in which you can do market research and check out competition

You can use hashtags in order to make your posts searchable. 
Pinterest is a viral marketing machine users actively promote your company for you by repining from your boards.

 Disadvantages of using Pinterest

The biggest disadvantage is that Pinterest is still relatively new in the uk, so perhaps there are fewer  people that are  familiar with it. 

Here is my pinterest account, currently I am only using my account for finding inspiration rather than promoting my work as a make-up artist.

However a great example of a well organized pinterest come from...Ellie (uni lecturer/make up wizz) yay!!

Each of Ellie's boards have a cover photo of her work with more photos within them along with pins has collected relevant to that theme, It makes it easy to see where her inspiration has come from and identify which images are her own work. 

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