Tuesday, 30 December 2014


Task 1 

So I don't know about you, but, I really have had enough talking about the internet. So what do ya say we take a look at some stuff in the real world for a while? What else can you do in order to advertise and promote yourself?

Networking assists you in marketing and advertising yourself. In the real word as opposed to online will play a part in every industry, but it is very important as a makeup artist after all a key part of being a makeup artist is your personality. It's not the same as a designer who does their work through a computer, a Makeup artist is amongst people and it's important for clients to see that you have desirable personal attributes as well as makeup skills.

If you build up a rapport with other makeup artists when they are fully booked they are more likely to refer the client to you, this is a great opportunity to gain more customers outside of perhaps your normal reach. It also good to network with other creative's such as models who may request you as their makeup artist on shoots and photographers as they may offer you jobs.There are also contacts outside of creative professionals that would be beneficial to you networking with

local businesses that can open doors to you.

Event planners and Wedding Planners are always worth networking with as finding a hair and makeup artist can be essential to completing their plans. Bridal businesses such as local Bridal Shops, Accessory Shops, Photo Studios and even Bakeries that make wedding cakes can be of great benefit as a free way of advertising yourself,  they pass out your information to their customers and in exchange, you give their information to your clients.

Beauty Salons and Beauty Supply Stores are a brilliant contact, ask them f they could refer clients to you and pass on your business card. Or display in the front of the salon or till area Beauty supply stores may be interested in hiring a freelance makeup artist to perform in store demos.

Makeup artists often think to contact beauty salons but often but a not so obvious connection to make is to contact Department Stores can also open a door as some companies send freelance makeup artists to the store and also hold events such as in-store fashion shows. Contact the human resources department or store manager.

Other ways of networking rather than just contacting a business would include:

Work for local fashion events or Contact local charities out if they are holding any fashion  fundraisers and offer to do the models make to gain exposure and in return for being able to hand out business cards or flyers

Wedding Fayres are a great place to go to find clients, handing out flyers and business cards, or having a stall yourself to demonstrate your bridal makeup also attendees may also receive 'goodie bags' from the event which you can add your card too

Weddings if you are doing a brides makeup, it is a great opportunity for you to network. you can talk to the bridesmaids and  the rest of the female wedding party offering your services to them for the wedding or handing out business cards for use at future events. You may even be recommended to other bride to bes.

similarly Parties of friends and acquaintances can also be a chance to network and gain job opportunities. talk to people about your profession and offer out business cards.

attending events and trade shows,  I will talk about these more later.

Whenever you are networking or taking part in any of these events it is important to have some form of business card or flyer on you at all times, as this is how you will be contacted after the events. 

It is also important to remember, when networking taking part in events or working on clients, that word of mouth is the most powerful advertiser it can make you or break you as a freelance makeup artist. If your clients are pleased with your skills, your level of professionalism, how you conduct yourself and your personality they will be sure to tell others and it will spread giving you more exposure and essentially more job opportunities. On the other hand if they are not pleased they are likely to spread this too and you will have a bad reputation.

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